- [LeetCode] 56. Merge Intervals - 구현(Implementation) JAVA 2024.11.28
- [LeetCode] 47. Permutations II - 깊이우선탐색(DFS) + 해시셋(HashSet) + 비트마스크(BitMask) JAVA 2024.11.28
- [LeetCode] 40. Combination Sum II - 깊이우선탐색(DFS) + 해시셋(HashSet) JAVA 2024.11.28
- [LeetCode] 64. Minimum Path Sum - 깊이우선탐색(DFS) + 동적계획법(Dynamic Programming) JAVA 2024.11.28
- [LeetCode] 50. Pow(x, n) - 분할정복(DivideAndConquer) + 수학(Math) JAVA 2024.11.24
- [LeetCode] 57. Insert Interval - 유니온파인드(UnionFind) OR 구현(Implementation) JAVA 2024.11.24
- [LeetCode] 74. Search a 2D Matrix - 이분탐색(BinarySearch) JAVA 2024.11.24
- [LeetCode] 79. Word Search - 깊이우선탐색(DFS) + 문자열(String) JAVA 2024.11.24
- [LeetCode] 61. Rotate List - 구현(Implementation) JAVA 2024.11.20
- [LeetCode] 62. Unique Paths - 동적계획법(DP, Dynamic Programming) JAVA 2024.11.20
- [LeetCode] 49. Group Anagrams - 문자열(String) + 해시맵(HashMap) JAVA 2024.11.20
- [LeetCode] 55. Jump Game - 아이디어(Idea) + 깊이우선탐색(DFS) + 동적계획법(DP, Dynamic Programming) JAVA 2024.11.20
- [LeetCode] 46. Permutations - 깊이우선탐색(DFS) + 비트마스킹(BitMask) JAVA 2024.11.13
- [LeetCode] 38. Count and Say - 깊이우선탐색(DFS) JAVA 2024.11.13
- [LeetCode] 43. Multiply Strings - 구현(Implementation) + 문자열(String) + 아이디어(Idea) JAVA 2024.11.10
- [LeetCode] 36. Valid Sudoku - 구현(Implementation) JAVA 2024.11.10
- [LeetCode] 18. 4Sum - 투포인터(Two Pointer) JAVA 2024.11.10
- [LeetCode] 34. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array - 이진탐색(Binary Search) JAVA 2024.11.06
- [LeetCode] 22. Generate Parentheses - 완전탐색(BuretForce) + 아이디어(Idea) JAVA 2024.11.06
- [LeetCode] 53. Maximum Subarray - 동적계획법(DP, Dynamic Programming) JAVA 2024.11.06
- [LeetCode] 39. Combination Sum - 브루트포스(BruteForce) JAVA 2024.11.06
- [LeetCode] 16. 3Sum Closest - Two Pointer(투포인터) JAVA 2024.10.30
- [LeetCode] 15. 3Sum - 정렬(Sort) + 투포인터(Two Pointer) + 아이디어(Idea) JAVA 2024.10.30
- [LeetCode] 12. Integer to Roman - TreeMap(트리맵) + 구현(Implementation) JAVA 2024.10.30
- [LeetCode] 24. Swap Nodes in Pairs - 구현(Implementation) JAVA 2024.10.27
- [LeetCode] 28. Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String - 문자열(String) JAVA 2024.10.27
- [백준] 32403 전구 주기 맞추기 - 구현(Implementation) JAVA 2024.10.23
- [LeetCode] 17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number - 깊이우선탐색(DFS) + 구현(Implementation) JAVA 2024.10.20
- [LeetCode] 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters - 투포인터(Two Pointer) + 완전탐색(BruteForce) JAVA 2024.10.13
- [백준] 14713 앵무새 - 큐(Queue) + 문자열(String) JAVA 2024.10.12