전체 글
- [백준] 2852 NBA 농구 - 문자열(String) + 정렬(Sort) JAVA 2024.10.08
- [SQL][HackerRank] Weather Observation Station 2 - ROUND + BETWEEN ORACLE 2024.10.04
- [SQL][HackerRank] Weather Observation Station 2 - ROUND + SUM ORACLE 2024.10.04
- [SQL][HackerRank] Top Earners - GROUP BY + ROWNUM ORACLE 2024.10.04
- [백준] 3187 양치기 꿍 - BFS(넓이우선탐색) JAVA 2024.10.04
- [백준] 3184 양 - BFS(넓이우선탐색) JAVA 2024.10.04
- [SQL][HackerRank] The Blunder - AVG + REPLACE + ROUND + 올림처리 ORACLE 2024.10.03
- [SQL][HackerRank] Population Density Difference - MAX + MIN ORACLE 2024.10.03
- [SQL][HackerRank] Japan Population - SUM ORACLE 2024.10.03
- [백준] 2583 영역 구하기 - BFS(넓이우선탐색) JAVA 2024.10.02
- [SQL][HackerRank] Average Population - Averages - ROUND + AVG ORACLE 2024.10.02
- [SQL][HackerRank] Revising Aggregations - Averages - AVG ORACLE 2024.10.02
- [SQL][HackerRank] Revising Aggregations - The Sum Function - SUM ORACLE 2024.10.02
- [백준] 2502 떡 먹는 호랑이 - 동적계획법(DP, Dynamic Programming) + 완전탐색(BruteForce) JAVA 2024.10.02
- [SQL][HackerRank] Revising Aggregations - The Count Function - COUNT ORACLE 2024.10.01
- [SQL][HackerRank] The PADS - UNION + ORDER BY + STRING || ORACLE 2024.10.01
- [백준] 2468 안전 영역 - BFS(넓이우선탐색) JAVA 2024.10.01
- [SQL][HackerRank] Employee Names - CASE WHEN ORACLE 2024.09.30
- [SQL][HackerRank] Employee Names - SELECT + ORDER BY ORACLE 2024.09.30
- [SQL][HackerRank] Employee Names - SELECT + ORDER BY ORACLE 2024.09.30
- [SQL][HackerRank] Higher Than 75 Marks - SUBSTR + LENGTH ORACLE 2024.09.28
- [SQL][HackerRank] Weather Observation Station 12 - REGEXP_LIKE + NOT ORACLE 2024.09.28
- [SQL][HackerRank] Weather Observation Station 11 - REGEXP_LIKE + NOT ORACLE 2024.09.28
- [SQL][HackerRank] Weather Observation Station 10 - REGEXP_LIKE + NOT ORACLE 2024.09.27
- [SQL][HackerRank] Weather Observation Station 9 - REGEXP_LIKE + NOT ORACLE 2024.09.27
- [SQL][HackerRank] Weather Observation Station 8 - REGEXP_LIKE + LIKE + LOWER ORACLE 2024.09.27
- [백준] 1946 신입 사원 - 탐욕법(Greedy) + 정렬(Sort) JAVA 2024.09.27
- [백준] 1926 그림 - BFS(너비우선탐색) JAVA 2024.09.27
- [SQL][HackerRank] Weather Observation Station 7 - REGEXP_LIKE + LIKE + LOWER ORACLE 2024.09.26
- [SQL][HackerRank] Weather Observation Station 6 - REGEXP_LIKE + LIKE + LOWER ORACLE 2024.09.26